
Február 14-én az Egységben Magyarországért bejelentette hogy Róna Pétert jelölik az államfői posztra. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us.

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. In a video message Deutsch cited Socialist MEP Istvan Újhelyi as having said that Hungary was the. December 21-én jelentette be hogy a Novák Katalin családokért felelős tárca nélküli minisztert jelölik köztársasági elnöknek. Magyarország nem hagyja magát.

Hungarys ruling Fidesz party has pulled four percentage points ahead of the opposition alliance according to a survey of voter intentions by the think-tank IDEA Institute published on Monday. 22 and 26 put support for nationalist Orbans Fidesz at 39 of the electorate unchanged from December levels while the opposition shed 2. Contrary to claims by the opposition Socialist Party Hungary is part of the European Unions Civil Protection Mechanism along with all other member states Fidesz MEP Tamás Deutsch said on Sunday.

The poll conducted between Feb. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbans ruling Fidesz party has a two percentage point lead over an opposition alliance in a late March survey ahead of the April 3 election. Orbán Viktor miniszterelnök a Fidesz elnöke 2021.

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